The process

The main steps in the process of issuing land under leasehold are as follows:

  1. The availability of plots is indicated on this website.  Green plots are available and orange plots have already been issued under option. The minimum building volume per plot and land prices can also be found on this website. Anyone who meets the sector requirements can in principle take up a plot, on a first come, first served basis.
  2. An intake meeting will then take place with the landowner (depending on the area, this will be Leiden University or the Leiden Municipality), during which the client's request and the possibilities for establishing a business on the park will be discussed (possible plot, issuance conditions, building possibilities and follow-up steps);
  3. In case of doubt, an assessment will take place as to whether the establishment of an business by the applicant fits in with the sector plan for the park (see also the sector agreement on this website);
  4. The issuance will then commence with an investigation agreement. The future lessee has then reserved the plot and can develop a building plan in consultation with the urban planning supervisor and the owner of the land; and 
  5. Once agreement has been reached on the building plan, the leasehold agreement can be completed.


There are two exceptions to the issue price mentioned above:

  1. If a party applies for a multi-tenant building, an assessment will first be made of whether there is a need for additional rental office/lab space on the LBSP at that time. Issuance of land to a party for a multi-tenant office building will always be  published on this website.
  2. A separate issuance process is followed for authorised institutions under the Housing Act.